Riesling 589 歲生日 !!

Riesling 589 歲生日 !!

德國是雷司令 (Riesling) 的起源之地,如今亦生產世界上產量最多、風格最全的雷司令白酒。 1435 年3 月13 日「雷司令」一詞有史以來首次被書面記載於德國萊茵高產區,2024年3月13日是雷司令589歲生日,德國葡萄酒協會誠摯邀請所有的葡萄酒從業者及愛好者 一同慶祝!

The Grape - Riesling is form Germany, and today it produces the world's largest production and most complete range of Riesling liquors.

On March 13, 1435, the word "Riesling" was recorded in writing for the first time in the Rheinland region of Germany. March 13, 2024 is the 589th birthday of Riesling. The German Wine Association sincerely invites all wine practitioners and enthusiasts to celebrate together!


